Clarity Counseling & Wellness 419.921.8347


The best way to make contact is by calling the office at (419) 921-8347. While you may need to leave a message, please know that it will be on a confidential voicemail, and your call will be returned by Ashley during regular business hours. By chatting briefly over the phone, we will have a chance to connect before meeting in person. This way, you will get to decide if it feels like a good fit before even scheduling.

I look forward to hearing from you! Times may tough, but it does not have to feel this way forever.

The content of this website is for informational purposes only. This website is not a substitute for counseling or the assistance of a trained mental health professional. It is for informational purposes only. If you, or someone you know is experiencing an emotional crisis or mental health emergency, please call the 24/7 Crisis Hotline: 1-800-826-1306 or Text 4HOPE to 741741. You may also call 9-11 or go to the nearest emergency room.